and Maintenance

#1 Tree Service Contractor in

Orange County

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Tree Removal Services

When it comes to tree removal, it is crucial to handle the process with utmost care and precision. Incorrectly removing trees can pose serious hazards, endangering people, structures, and even electrical lines. At C & J Landscaping and Maintenance, we understand the importance of safe and successful tree removal. That's why we have developed a systematic approach to ensure a seamless and secure process.

Removing dead or dying trees is essential for various reasons, including safety and maintaining aesthetics. We want to assure you that tree removal doesn't have to be overwhelming. By entrusting the task to our team of professionals, you can rest easy knowing that we are fully insured and backed by over 30 years of experience in the field.

Stump Grinding Services

When it comes to tree removal, the job doesn't end with cutting down and removing the tree itself. Dealing with the remaining stump is equally important. Leaving a stump behind not only creates an unsightly appearance but also poses an obstacle for new construction or landscaping projects.

At C & J Landscaping and Maintenance tree service, we offer professional stump grinding services to address this issue efficiently. With stump grinding, there's no need for tedious digging after removing the visible parts of the tree. Our team utilizes specialized machinery to grind and shred the stump into mulch and wood chips. This resulting material can be repurposed as mulch, ideal for enhancing the beauty of flower gardens and other landscaping features.

Why Us?

Professional Service

Tree service Contractors

Tree removal

Stump grinding

High Customer Satisfaction

Residential and Commercial Service

Save Time

Build your dream

Enjoy Life

Make Memories

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How do we work

At C & J Landscaping and Maintenance, we are proud to provide our customers with the best possible service experience. We believe in showing up on time and getting the job done right the first time, at a good value for your hard-earned money. We cover a wide range of services and look forward to helping you. Contact us today for a no obligations, free quote!

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